I’ve now tested the digital microfluidics board via microcontroller. The digital microfluidics board moves a liquid droplet via Electrowetting-on-Dielectric (EWOD). The microcontroller switches the high voltage via a switching board (pictured below, using Panasonic PhotoMOS chips), which controls the +930VDC output by the HVPS (posted earlier), and runs over USB using no cost Processing.org software. This is alpha stage testing.. cleaner version to be built. The goal of course is to scale the hardware to allow automation of microbiology protocols.
Labview is quite expensive, and industrial-grade high voltage switching boards are also quite expensive. So I built my own hardware and the Processing.org language is an easy way to test things. The Processing.org language is a free, open source graphics/media/IO layer on top of Java (as posted previously here).
What follows is the super simple test software written in Processing.org & Java.