Media-technology engineers at MIT have created a computer language and easy-to-use runtime environment called Processing, hosted at I wrote a small code snip for accessing the PIC microcontroller from a USB port, using Processing; it’s pasted below.
The Processing language and frameworks run on top of Java, so all Processing programs can run on Windows PC, or Unix, or Mac OS/X. The frameworks are geared towards simple-to-write graphics and data presentation, though a lot of underlying Java libraries are directly accessible.
// Read firmware version from connected UBW Microcontroller; jcline 2009-03 import processing.serial.*; Serial ubw; String ubwVersion; try { println(Serial.list()); ubw = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600); float tdelay=millis() + 5; for (int i=0; millis() < tdelay ; i++) { // Get+Verify UBW version string, print to console ubw.write("v\n"); ubwVersion = ubw.readStringUntil('\n'); if (ubwVersion != null) { if (ubwVersion.startsWith("UBW", 0)) { println("Found UBW attached to USB:\n"); println(ubwVersion); break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { println("device access error\n"); } println("done\n");
Listing 1: Access a UBW-firmware PIC Microcontroller from Processing
It looks like Processing might be a good environment for fetching and graphically animating information from my data acquisition project. I’ll post more about these techniques if it works out.
hi, i want to known how i can working usb port by java language, please help me…??
I haven’t looked into using the USB port with Java. These boards (UBW and Arduino) use a USB chipset that acts like a serial port on the host PC side, so the communication is the same as a terminal/serial device. That way there’s no need to use USB drivers. There are others who have used similar hardware with USB HID controller (keyboard/joystick) drivers with success. Check forums for info, or Arduino forums.